Hangfire can be used along with BoltOn for all the background and scheduled jobs.

In order to use it, do the following:

  • Install BoltOn.Hangfire NuGet package.
  • Call BoltOnHangfireModule() in your startup's BoltOn() method.
  • Configure Hangfire by referring to its documentation.
  • Once all the configuration is done, create a request (without response) class that implements IRequest and a handler that implements IHandler<in TRequest>. Refer to Requestor to know more about the implementation.
  • Finally, use AppHangfireJobProcessor to configure the request/handler as a background or scheduled job.


While bootstrapping your application

serviceCollection.BoltOn(o =>

// hangfire configuration
    .UseSqlServerStorage("connectionstring to the db");

// a job to be executed every minute 
            p => p.ProcessAsync(new NotifyStudentsRequest { JobType = "Recurring" }, default), Cron.Minutely());

// to schededule an one-time background job  
BackgroundJob.Schedule<AppHangfireJobProcessor>(p => p.ProcessAsync(new NotifyStudentsRequest { JobType = "OneTime" }, default),

Request and Handler

public class NotifyStudentsRequest : IRequest
    public string JobType { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return "Student Notifier " + JobType;

public class NotifyStudentsHandler : IHandler<NotifyStudentsRequest>
    private readonly IAppLogger<NotifyStudentsHandler> _logger;

    public NotifyStudentsHandler(IAppLogger<NotifyStudentsHandler> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public Task HandleAsync(NotifyStudentsRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        _logger.Debug($"Notifying students. JobType: {request.JobType}");
        return Task.CompletedTask;


  • Please look into BoltOn.Samples.Console to see the actual code.
  • To know more about RecurringJob or BackgroundJob, please refer to Hangfire's documentation.
  • Override ToString() method of the request object for a descriptive name to be displayed on the Hangfire Dashboard.
  • BackgroundJob can be triggered anywhere within your application and need not be while bootstrapping.